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Intuitive IQ 

Practitioner Training

Using SVH Quantum Level 

Reprogramming Tools.


 About SVH Level 1 Practitioner Training


The foundation of this course of study is held within quantum level reprogramming tools, that will assist you release your barriers and limitations along with laying new foundations that will support creating your life on your terms.


This course of study is so easy to understand and the steps are so simple to use that students are able to efficiently master the SVH Tools in only a few hours. It gives you the tools that you can use to put you in the driver’s seat of your life.


The foundational tools taught in this course can be used to release barriers and blocks to reaching personal goals, attracting honoring relationships, acquiring wealth, support physical healing and eliminate non-serving habits.

This modality can be implemented to create new patterns of safety, heal broken relationships, and to quiet mind chatter.


The SVH Tools work outside of the space time continuum to sweep through your life to incidences that laid foundations of limitation that are currently impeding your personal expansion and freedom from drama, trauma and inequity.


You will learn how to sweep through your life to each time negative or limiting situations laid foundations of imbalance that still affect you today. In each of those moments, the SVH Tools can be used to extinguish the fires that have continued to smoulder and periodically flair up to thwart your confidence, safety and prosperity.

Components of this level of proficiency include a wide range of auto-profiled Clearing, Shielding, Enlightenment and Physical Support Processes.


The cornerstone of SVH is Quantum Level Reprogramming; a prodigious reformatting tool that re-scripts limiting genetic and current life imprints, perceptions and beliefs that can block you from creating your ideal reality.

After completing this course you can be certified to be an SVH Practitioner and use these tools in your practice or healing ministry.






Who This Course if For


  • Coaches , Holistic and Health  Practitioners, Healers, Therapists looking to add additional tools to their business

  • Anyone who is looking for a transformational  tools for personal growth and expansion.


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